When the foot or ankle experiences trauma, a fracture may occur. Causes of foot and ankle fractures can vary. In some cases, an obvious impact to the foot or a fall can be behind a fracture. Fractures can also occur because of increased stress on the bone. During exercise, increasing distance, duration or speed, can lead to fracture.

Pain, especially when bearing weight, is a telltale sign of a fracture. Limping due to this pain is a further sign of a foot or ankle fracture. Other symptoms of fracture can include swelling, inflammation, bruising, deformity and tenderness. A deformity may occur due to a shift in bone alignment or a joint dislocation near the fracture. While pain is a significant symptom of fracture, a patient who has nerve damage or who has diabetes may not feel this pain. In this instance, your podiatrist will look for additional signs to determine whether a fracture has occurred.

If you are experiencing severe pain, cannot walk without limping, have an open wound near the suspected break, or have numbness or tingling in the toes, you should see a podiatrist and call our office to schedule an appointment.

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